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Original Claim

The BJP adheres to a Hindu nationalist ideology

8 months ago

Context by Compass

The claim that "The BJP adheres to a Hindu nationalist ideology" is supported by multiple sources. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is widely recognized for its association with Hindutva, a form of Hindu nationalism. Hindutva, which translates to "Hinduness," is an ideology that seeks to establish the hegemony of Hinduism in India, often equating Indian culture and identity with Hindu values. This ideology was prominently articulated by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in the 1920s and has been a central tenet of the BJP's political agenda. The BJP's connection to Hindu nationalism is further reinforced by its historical and organizational ties to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist volunteer group that has been influential in shaping the party's policies and strategies. Since coming to power in 2014 under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP has been accused of pursuing policies that promote a Hindu national identity, sometimes at the expense of India's secular principles and minority rights. Critics argue that the BJP's agenda has led to increased intolerance and communal violence, particularly targeting Muslim communities. The BJP, however, maintains that its promotion of Hindutva is a cultural agenda aimed at preserving India's heritage and history The Guardian, The Economist, Britannica, AP News.